The Indulgent Traveler
I'm Ali Webb, The Indulgent Traveler.
In my not-so-secret travel writing life, I've written over 150 travel columns, appearing in daily print outlets, and on travel websites. I've been published in the Encyclopedia of Public Relations. I’ve written serious stuff about racial equity and leadership in the philanthropic sector in publications like NonProfit Quarterly and the Foundation Review.
My first job out of college, though, was as a reporter at a small newspaper in Texas. My second job, however, was press secretary to the Mayor of Los Angeles, Tom Bradley for seven years. I was the first female and youngest woman to ever hold that position. My professional life has spanned positions as the political director for the League of Conversation Voters, the head of communications for the United States Department of Agriculture (appointed by President Clinton) and The Nature Conservancy. I worked at the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, one the largest U.S. charitable foundations, where I held positions in communications and programming. I got my BA in Journalism at Stanford University and my MPA from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard. In 2005, I earned a PhD in Mass Media from Michigan State University. I also teach at the University of Michigan and Columbia University.